Freestanding wall with planters, patio with fire pit, retaining wall, and beds

Patio with fire pit and benches

Retaining walls

Landscape and patio with firepit and benches

Bed lighting

Landscape lighting

Landscape lighting

Retaining wall

Waterfall in rocks

Plant bed for sign


Shrubbery and patio with retaining walls and steps

Steps with railing


Bed, plants, and patio with fireplace and pergola

Patio with fireplace

Land grade and grass seed

Waterside retaining wall

Retaining Waterside retaining wall

Beach and rocks

Retaining wall

Sidewalk with plants in beds

Patio with fire pit

Pool for fish with fountain


Patio with fireplace and freestanding walls

Playing Field, Ord

Wine Tasting event, Ord

Greenhouse for Burwell Public Schools

Pergola, North Loup Community Center

Stairs for hunters

Sidewalks, porch steps, and short column

Short column, porch steps, and sidewalk

Beds with plants

Fescue grass


Bed with plants and sidewalk and patio for pavilion

Patio with steps



Raised bed for sign

Raised bed for sign


Patio with fire pit and freestanding walls; sidewalk and pergola

Steps and deck with railing

Steps and deck with railing

Deck with railing

Deck with railing

House and landscape lighting

New plants in bed

Pergola in Winter at Dawn
